Thursday, March 09, 2006

once a week blogger

this is what i have suddenly become. life has been insanely busy, and i am behind on both the reading and the writing of blogs. in the past week i have bought some plane tickets to europe, bought some ferry tickets to get to an island off the coast of sweden, bought some more pane tickets to fly around within europe, talked to the hippie's sister about hotels and trains and stuff, looked at some houses that we thought about buying, been to the gym once, bled like a stuck pig, had dinner with my friend tom (twice!), cooked out with harry and jenn, gone home to rutherfordton to see my mama and daddy, poked through a boatload of art galleries, gone to dinner with my friends eric and kylie, shopeed for, found, and wrapped a present for g's 3rd birthday (and no, i CAN'T believe she's already three!!!), bought tax software, procrastinated doing taxes, knitted a tiny bit, gone to the grocery store, cooked and cleaned the kitchen a few times, developed a hive, talked on the phone, and done a boatload of real estate research. and yet i sit here, quiet for a moment, with a kitty sleeping on my lap, wondering why i am tired. i feel like i am not being productive. wonder why i have a hive? lol. my W-2 is sitting here in front of me, just waiting, and i know i will look at it before i give it up and go read. damn that whole type-A thing to hell anyway.

jenn and i have a spa day scheduled for this weekend, and i CANNOT WAIT! i need a break, people. this weekend is all about DOWN TIME. once i get the bathroom clean...

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