Monday, December 12, 2005


when i lived in new york, one of my favorite things was walking home from work in the wintertime, especially during the christmas season. it was just beautiful, up 5th avenue and around the park--all the lights and the people and the decorations, the windows all done up for the holidays, the angels with their trumpets at rockerfeller center, the ice skaters--all of it. it was the only time of year when the tourists didn't annoy me. and it was cold cold cold, and i would bundle up in my black coat and all the winter accessories i bought in italy, and i would walk the fifty-seven blocks home in my fabulously stylish boots and be perfectly comfortable. and since then, every christmas, i have pangs of desire to take that walk again. there is just nowhere in raleigh that feels like that. the only place here with the requisite crush of people and all the decorations is the mall, and i am sorry, but it absolutely pales in comparison.

tonight it's dark early, and i can see a couple of stars out the window from my office, and i am filled with longing for new york and a long walk home out in the cold under the lights of the big city.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comment. The pattern for the cashmere scarf in the book is probably fine - but when I started knitting it I noticed that my knitting looked nothing like the scarf in the picture. If you go to the Purl homepage, you'll see 'book corrections' at the bottom of the page - look at these and you'll find the scarf pattern which corresponds to the photographed scarf.