Thursday, January 02, 2014

new year

i am not usually one for new year's resolutions, but there are some changes i want to make, and this seems as good a time to start as any. ready?

  1. stand up straight
  2. walk more
  3. keep a cleaner house
  4. get organized
  5. make at least one thing every month
  6. write more
  7. play with my children more
  8. take care of my man
that's it.

2013 sucked. this year will be better.


Anonymous said...

Switch the numbers ... make your 9 number 1.

Then the children ...

Stick in a bubble bath for Self and another with you and hubby.

All the rest will fit in.

Lucky you!!

Anonymous said...

1.take care of my man with my children more
3.walk more with husband
3a. bubble bath with hubby
4.make at least one thing every month
5.get organized
6.write more
7.stand up straight
8.keep a cleaner house

My husband died in 2001 at age 55 - the last thing of importance to him was the house.

2013 sucked. this year will

jackie said...

the numbers here weren't meant to be a priority--i agree that the last two are probably the most important of all the things here. i am so sorry about your husband--losses like that just don't seem to fade.

Chemical Industry News said...
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Erica Rogers said...

Hello nice post.