Tuesday, February 07, 2006

just another day

it's actually gotten colder around here, probably to spite me for bragging about all the signs of spring the other day. but this morning, as i walked out of the house bundled up in the hippie's cashmere scarf and my big black coat, my eye was captured by these little bits of color all along the side of my front yard. (i use the word yard here very loosely, as it's actually a big dirt patch with a few sprigs of grass growing on it--but i digress...) my daffodils are about to burst open! yay! i adore daffodils and spring when my whole yard blooms. i actually made myself late for work today by stopping to take this picture, and i really think it was worth it. i even snapped a picture or two of my beautiful pansies, too.

in other news, i ordered these completely frivolous and silly bunny slippers--for ME!!! they are sold by the little company in napa valley called the oakville grocery company, and i have wanted them for about 4 years. every time i have tried to order them, and every time the hippie has tried, they have been backordered. BUT NOT TODAY! yay for silly and wonderful fuzzy bunny slippers to keep my tootsies warm! bunny slippers make me happy.

it's amazing the things that console me when i am PMS-ing like a mad fiend...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love the bunny slippers - those should make anyone's day a good one!

we're having a cold snap up here as well (though in general, we're usually a bit colder than your part of the country) - however, it made for an absolutely beautiful sunday, with bunches of beautiful white snow everywhere. of course, now, it's been sitting for a few days, so it doesn't look nearly as pretty anymore. oh well! hope you are good - take care, kimmie