Tuesday, February 20, 2007

stupidity--it's what's for breakfast

i woke up this morning to discover that the fabulous huge pot of chicken stew i made last night for dinner and for lunches this week, which i left on the counter to cool before i put it in the fridge, was, in fact, still on the counter.

few things suck worse than the realization that you are an utter moron. and also that you have nothing for lunch for half the week when you thought you did. which means you will have to cook something else. in your copious free time. *sigh*


Anonymous said...

sorry about that! i have done stuff like that before - leaving the leftover pizza in the box, in the oven, leftovers on the counter top or things in the microwave :{ hope you managed to find something decent for lunch today - better luck in your other culinary ventures this week - miss you! kimmie

gray la gran said...

well, you know me ... i'd tempt fate and eat it anyways.

Allegra said...

damn that sucks! Hope whatever you are substituting it with is really tasty!

Jess said...

Thank heavens you posted this and I happened across it - I have a big pot of leftovers on the counter - almost forgot!