Friday, August 18, 2006

the funk of amsterdam doesn't wash out

dude, let's talk about these jeans i am wearing. i LOVE these jeans--they're dark blue, low rise, fitted through the leg, and flared out a little at the bottom. they have just enough lycra in them to make them lay smoothly on my rather substantial ass. they are in a word, the perfect jeans. so perfect that i am still wearing them in spite of this weird, very slight funk they have acquired. ever since that night in amsterdam when i drank way too many martinis (damned bartender!), smoked a whole bunch of clove cigarettes, got rained upon, and spent most of the night napping on the cool tile bathroom floor, these jeans have developed a very faint, but persistent aroma that is, in a word, unpleasant. (must i pay for those martinis forever??!) they have been washed and washed and washed, and they have spent some major quality time in the dryer with some lavender dryer sheets, and still--the funk is with us. what do i do? how do i save them??? help, people!


Kristin said...

Have you tried using the regular old laundry sheets? A friend and I were recently discussing how we had been using those special-scented sheets & detergents & how our clothes, towels, etc. have suddenly acquired a "sour" smell even when they have not spent any length of time in the washer before putting them in the dryer. I may ditch the pretty scented stuff and go back to the traditional cleaning stuff. Just a suggestion....

jackie said...

not a bad idea, kristin. sam suggested washing them with a little baking soda and vinegar, too, which i also think is a good idea. i will try it all at once!!!

Flaurella said...

Put a cup of clear white vinegar in the low depth setting of water and pre-soak in your washer for an hour, then launder as usual. Don't use a fabric softener liquid or sheet.

Then dry and spritz lightly with Chr. Dior Hypnotic Poison. [Trust me on this one!] Fold and put jeans in a drawer for a couple of days.

If all the above doesn't help. Spritz heavily with Febreeze and let sit over night. Then wash alone in low load level washer with Febreeze Tide.

Have you considered that the frangrance is just in your head? :::que Twilight Zone muzak!:::: [VBG]

cheers from Florida,

gray la gran said...

hey! hope all's well (aside from the funk). i don't know what will work to save your favorite jeans, but i do know that if i ever have an inkling that something might be amiss with the laundry, puting it into the dryer is the last thing you do ... don't set the stain or stink with heat.
yes, i know, too little too late. i basically just wanted to say HI !

Laura said...

Jackie! How are you? I am a HORRID person! I thought I had you on my bloglines and a few days ago I thought "gee, I wonder why she hasn't been updating her blog in forever?" Um. My bad. You're on there now - I don't want to miss anything!!

I left Allegra a comment about a swap she was thinking of doing and she said "hey maybe we can do a private swap". I didn't say anything to her yet but how would you like to do a reverse of the tea swap we did between the three of us? This one is a hot chocolate and book swap! :)

Laura said...

Oh, P.S. I was gonna say to go with vinegar - some good ideas here on the removal of the funk. :)